ARIA is now accepting initial submissions for talent for:
(project description to be posted at a later date). JOB POSTING #: 20240721-01
UNION: | Any 20 to 33 years of age Any 5'-0'' to 5'-8" Athletic Must be ABLE to do aerobic/athletic activities Must be able to swim and LIKE THE WATER - SCUBA certification is bonus This show is being cast without union affiliation, but is likely to upgrade |
MORE INFORMATION: Wide-eyed enthusiasm is the key to landing this role! The "LOOK" is the key to this Host position, in as far as
the posted age range suggests. Calendar dates are just a matter of
reference for that look we seek. What we are seeking is a lady with a
fresh "girl next door" look. Someone you can easily relate to sports or
outdoor activities and is both a joy to look at and listen to. Due to
the fact the role "may" periodically include activities in water sports,
we seek someone who is in very good physical condition with a large
degree of aerobic stamina and not afraid of the water. Current SCUBA
certification is bonus, but someone who would be interested in being
certified for the show is fine, it would not be a higher level than
recreational Open Water certification. This is a Prime Time "any
network" show.
The host needs to have a vibrant outgoing personality and needs to be
adventurous, curious, and not fearful by nature. We will refrain from
adding any more physical requirements as we have learned to just go with
the flow and let that special person find us, versus trying to find an
exact fit from the script. However, sponsors have us looking for
"something special", so we are going to tailor the show around our host's personality, rather than the other way around.
It is expected that this show will travel at least domestically around
the United States, and may continue to foreign travel. Due to extensive
away time, we are trying to avoid casting a lady with children and
domestic responsibilities along those lines. You may be married or in a
serious relationship as long as your significant other meets with us and
signs an agreement of non-interference and acceptance of financial liability if they end up disrupting production.
If you think you have what it takes to showcase travel or bring a new
subject to the world with a smile, positive attitude, enthusiasm and a
lot of energy, then we invite you to send us an email introduction of
yourself and a simple VERY RECENT photo of yourself (if we haven't seen
you yet), with a description OF YOURSELF. If we have given you a card
and recommended contact, you need only remind us where we found you,
your likes and dislikes in general in as far as travel goes. IF you do
think you could see yourself hosting a TV show, what you think that may
be like, so we know how much orientation you will need to understand all
the IS involved in the process and what happens when production begins.
From there we will reply with an invitation to tour the local studio
facility and meet to discuss more details. If you have an agent or
manager, that would be the time we include them into the process. If all
works up to that point, a camera screening would take place at the
sound-stage facility in Ramona, California, and you would move onto a
level two screening pool with whatever other candidates there may be.
Level two candidates would be invited to do some training (no cost to
you) to try and develop your "on air personality". From there screening
goes to level three and candidates will be viewed by show sponsors to
collectively choose the Host.
Initially the show is being cast as a non-union role due to experimental
development. In the even the show is upgraded and you have already been
cast, the producers and sponsors will sponsor your initiation into the
appropriate union, but subsequent dues will become your responsibility when or if you separate from the show.
DO NOT CALL ABOUT THIS POSTING. Submit all correspondence in email form
so we have a permanent record of the communication, and you do not
interrupt production staff on other duties. Once you are in the initial
screening process, you will have more contact information prior to visiting the studio.
EMAIL TO: casting@ariafilms.com and reference "Job Number" above. Be
sure to include HOW you became aware of this opening, name, age,
schedule availabilty, and ability to travel to studio in Ramona. |
Casting for TV series pilot for a limited run (single season) prime-time show...
(project description to be posted at a later date). JOB POSTING #: 20240726-03
OLDER MALE ETHNICITY: AGE RANGE: HAIR COLOR: HEIGHT: BUILD STATS: SKILLS: UNION: | White male Late 50's to early 60's Mostly full head of gray hair 5'-10" to 6'-1" Average Grounded individual. Conveys strength and confidence quietly. No special skills needed for this role. This is a non-union role which may be escalated at a later point.
| White female Mid 40's to late 50's Any 5'-0" to 5'-6" Average to slightly heavy Can appear bi-polar. Seems very nice when smiling. Conveys strength appearing calculated or evil. No special skills needed for this role. This is a non-union role which may be escalated at a later point.
ETHNICITY: AGE RANGE: HAIR COLOR: HEIGHT: BUILD STATS: SKILLS: UNION: | White female 20 to 27 Any 5'-0" to 5'-6" Athletic (this character needs provoke envy of the older woman) Grounded individual. Conveys strength and confidence lovingly. No special skills needed for this role. This is a non-union role which may be escalated at a later point.
MORE INFORMATION: The roles here are part of a new format (limited series - single season)
TV show pilot and subsequent series, when approved by the network.
However, due to the possibility of consumer appeal, the show CAN be
extended to long-run series. The characters listed above are the three
MAIN characters for the show. The plot revolves around the interaction
of these three characters. Additional character casting will begin at a
later date once formatting of the roles becomes solidified based on how
well we cast the main three and begin final tweaking of these roles.
DESCRIPTION OF OLDER MALE: He is a "good man" who goes about his daily
life in a quiet but strong approach, LOW KEY, and is quite likeable to
all around him. He is one of those "helps all his neighbors" types, and
nobody around him finds fault. He is quite often the person other will
confide in for advice. We seek someone to replace the Producer/Director
of the show, who is currently serving as the lead actor for the initial
development of the pilot. This is a man who never raises his voice
beyond "stern", and never needs to. For the male role, ACTING EXPERIENCE A MUST
DESCRIPTION OF THE OLDER WOMAN: What we seek for this role is a "middle
aged housewife" character, body build is not critical and women who feel
they meet the terms "fit" to "a few extra pounds" or "voluptuous" are
encouraged to apply. Key to success is having a dual range of
displayable emotions. At one moment the audience needs to see "the woman
who matched the man" initially, being pleasant and "nice" at one
moment, but then switch personality traits and both visually and
emotionally appear as "the devil personified" when she doesn't get her
way or is even slightly angry. This woman is "calculated" and does not
need to escalate to show contempt. This lady never screams, and never
needs to, but it is unmistakable when she is angry.
This young lady is love personified. Her key role in this series is to
convey a true sense of "unconditional love", but does not run around
looking like a brainless wonder. She is VERY smart, but does not let
life get to her. She has her wits and knows how to get things done. She
also comes off in key moments as "wise beyond her years", to a point
where some viewers may be stunned at her insight. In this show, the
younger woman is the love interest of the older male, so the actor
must agree to some physical contact with an older gentleman
(kissing, embrassing, and snuggle scenes). NO NUDITY. Bedroom scenes
are limited to parties in bed under covers, and bare shoulders is the
extent to skin shown in that regard.
Acting experience not critical for the other roles... Older female
role requires some experience in characterization, or the zeal to push
the limits of actor training (ARIA's original Film Lab trainers are
available to train - at production company expense). For the role of the
Younger Female, no former acting experience is needed, as this role
must be "trained into" regardless of background. However, actors with
experience and training ARE encouraged to apply for all roles as long as the
specifications in the Descriptions above are understood.
Initially the show is being cast as a non-union role due to experimental
development. In the even the show is upgraded and you have already been
cast, the producers and sponsors will sponsor your initiation into the
appropriate union, but subsequent dues will become your responsibility when or if you separate from the show.
DO NOT CALL ABOUT THIS POSTING. Submit all correspondence in email form
so we have a permanent record of the communication, and you do not
interrupt production staff on other duties. Once you are in the initial
screening process, you will have more contact information prior to visiting the studio.
EMAIL TO: casting@ariafilms.com and reference "Job Number" above. Be
sure to include HOW you became aware of this opening, name, age,
schedule availabilty, and ability to travel to studio in Ramona. |
Primary Casting Director for this project is:
 Geri Rivera of Rivera Casting (formaly Team Rivera, before the passing of Johynny Rivera)
Motion Pictures casting sessions will ALWAYS be posted in listings linked
to "Now Casting" (this page)! If you are sent to a casting call, or
are responding to a casting ad... - IF THAT "ARIA" CASTING
SESSION DOES NOT APPEAR ON THIS WEBSITE, BEWARE - it is not us!!! When we are casting, ARIA
will post, not only the casting notice to the media, but who (name and photo) you will
need to meet for the session ON THIS WEBSITE on the Now Casting Page. This is the ARIA's commitment to your personal
safety and security! |
Want to be "on deck" for
any of our shows?